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Senior Executive Branded "Old Fossil" Wins £3.2m in Age Discrimination Case

Jan 17

1 min read




man with  hands on woman's shoulders


Glenn Cowie, a senior engineering manager was dismissed from his position after nearly four decades of service.

In 2017 when a new Chief Executive was appointed, the company began discouraging the hiring of individuals over 45 years old.

Aged 58 at the time, Cowie was subjected to a 45-minute lecture, he was called an "old fossil" and criticised. He was then dismissed and replaced by a younger member of staff.

Tribunal Judgment

The Tribunal found that Cowie had been unfairly dismissed and that he had suffered age discrimination. It was also ruled that Cowie had been victimised for raising appeals and grievances following his dismissal.

Cowie was awarded £3,171,723 as compensation which included £1.38 million for net financial losses, £20,000 for injury to feelings, a £1,900 Acas uplift and additional compensation for relocation and home sale losses.


This award was one of the largest in recent employment tribunal history. It underscores the serious consequences of age discrimination and highlights how explicit age-based policies can constitute direct discrimination.

The case serves as a reminder of the importance of age-neutral policies and the costly consequences of age discrimination.


Call a specialist employment lawyer  

Magara law is an employment law firm in Bicester, Banbury, Reading and Paddington, London, and services clients nationwide. For more information or to our employment law team at Magara Law, call 01869 325 883 or email


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